106 North Washington Ave.
Bergenfield, NJ 07621

(201) 385-6225


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A bittersweet announcement.

I’m closing my store, Beads by Blanche, after 27 years. Such wonderful times and memories I will always cherish! I would like to thank my family and friends for all their help and support throughout the years. They truly gave me the courage to pursue my dream of spreading the art of beading!

My heartfelt thank you to  all the fabulous artists that came to teach at my store. I’m so honored to have been able to learn, laugh and spend time with you. Your creativity and designs pioneered the art of beading. We’ve had such wonderful moments together! 

Thank you to all the wonderful customers who supported my store. We not only shared the common thread of beading, but also lovely memories. My classroom was always filled with fun times and laughter. 

Thank you to dearest Wendy and her magic of color. She makes my world brighter everyday. Wendy and I plan on doing some online beading sales in the future, as I have a few beads…lol. So keep an eye on beadsbyblanche.com for updates1


Happy Beading and Hugs,


Updated: 5/19/24